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Training Materials

Site Visitors are required to complete all online training modules and in-person training sessions to be eligible to serve on a Site Visit Team. PAB is currently updating the training modules to reflect the 2022 Accreditation Standards and Criteria. The videos below are under the 2017 standards and are provided here as a resource.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact PAB staff.

Module A: Accreditation Purpose and Process

Module B: PAB 2017 Accreditation Standards

  1. Strategic Planning and Progress (23 mins) PPT
  2. Students (10 mins) PPT
  3. Faculty (18 mins) PPT
  4. Curriculum and Instruction (13 mins) PPT
  5. Governance (15 mins) PPT

Module C: Outcomes Assessment

In-Person Presentations

October 2023 Training – ACSP Conference
A workshop on designing Student Learning Assessments.

October 2018 Training – ACSP Conference
These two-part presentations include: Standards, Judgments, and Site Visit Behaviors; and Outcomes Assessment.

Outcomes Assessment in Planning Programs: Conducting a Review (PDF)
This 2013 presentation provides assistance to Site Visit Teams in reviewing a program’s outcomes assessment process.

Site Visit Tools

A library of all the tools our visitors need.