The Value of Accreditation
Accreditation is a means to assure and improve higher education quality, assisting institutions and programs using a set of standards developed by peers. Through the process of accreditation, programs benefit from improved:
- Quality Assurance and Public Validation
- Knowledge Sharing
- Opportunity to Educate Senior Administrators
- Recruitment of Students and Employers
Additional Rewards of the Accreditation Process
The Accreditation Process is an opportunity for programs and institutions to honestly assess what they are doing well and where improvement may be needed. It’s an occasion to build bridges and cement relationships with key audiences that will allow you to showcase your program to a broader community.
As a result of the Accreditation Process, you can capture the attention of faculty to potential degree program issues that need resolution, while increasing program awareness among your administration and building consensus with constituents on the way forward.
Student Recognition & Resources

Accreditation Resources
A curated library of all accreditation documents and manuals, including PAB’s Policies and Procedures Manual.

Prepare for Review
Learn about preparing a Self-Study Report and conducting a Site Visit.