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Accreditation Resources

PAB maintains a variety of resources to assist Programs and Site Visitors through the accreditation process.

  • All
  • Reporting
  • Self-Study Report
  • Site Visits
  • Standards & Policies

Accreditation Standards, 2022

Standards approved February 3, 2022.

Annual Report Overview

Guidance for the 2023 Annual Report

Fast-Track Programs

Guidance for combined bachelor & master programs

Materials for Presentation of Public Information/Criterion 1D

Criterion 1D Template & Instructions

PAB Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2024

List of associated accreditation fees

Policies and Procedures Manual

Manual amended April 2023

Progress Report

Interim reporting template

Self-Study Report Manual

2024 Edition (2022 Accreditation Standards)

Self-Study Report Templates

2024 Edition (2022 Accreditation Standards)

Site Visit Manuals

2023 Edition

Site Visit Report

2023 Edition

Site Visit Schedule

2024 Edition

Substantive Change Form

Notice of Substantive Change template