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Accredited programs are expected to remain in substantial compliance with PAB accreditation standards at all times. PAB has an ongoing obligation to its constituencies and the public to ensure that accredited programs continue to fulfill their responsibilities, therefore, PAB requires certain reports throughout a Program’s accreditation term.

Annual Report

All accredited programs are required to submit annual reports every year, regardless if its Self-Study Report is due in the same year. Annual reports are the principal vehicle by which programs report substantive changes, and PAB collects student and faculty composition data. The report is due each January 31. Reports not submitted by the deadline are subject to late fees.

Substantive Change

Programs are required to report any substantive changes via the Substantive Change Reporting Form or the Annual Report. A Substantive Change is any organizational and/or programmatic change that may affect the Program’s ability to comply with one or more of the pre-conditions to accreditation, and/or any of the PAB accreditation standards and criteria.

Progress Report

Progress Reports may be required as a condition of accreditation, when the Board wants the Program to document efforts and progress towards full compliance with certain accreditation criteria. Progress reports are due from programs by July 1 the year noted in the PAB decision letter. Reports not submitted by the deadline, without prior permission from PAB, are subject to late fees.

Self-Study Report (SSR)

During the accreditation process, SSRs are due from programs by June 15 or September 15 depending on the assigned Site Visit season.  Reports not submitted by the deadline, without prior permission from PAB, are subject to late fees. Applications for Candidacy Status are due by August 1. The Accreditation Cycle page provides timeline of the accreditation process.