PAB Panel Presentations

PAB sponsors a panel each year at the national conferences of both the American Planning Association (APA) and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP).

2024– Session: Defining Impact: The Art of Communicating Planning’s Value

2023– Session: Skills for Future Planners

2021– Session: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Your Planning Education – What is the Connection?

2020– Session: Planning Education and Digital Evolution

2019 – Session: PAB Accreditation: Value for the Profession?

2018 – Session: Innovation in Planning Education and Accreditation

2017 – Session: The Role of Professionals in Student Learning Assessment

2016 – Session: Reversing the Decline in Planning School Enrollment

2015 – Session: Preparing the Next Generation of Planners

2014 – Session: Academic and Community Collaborative Curriculum

2012 – Session: Where’s the Diversity?

2011 – Session: Keeping the Curriculum Current

2010 – Session: Assessing Planning Education
The following panelists presented an analysis of data collected by the APA and AICP through periodic job analysis and salary surveys.