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Site Visitors

Congratulations 2024 Outstanding Site Visitor Award Recipients

PAB recognizes two Site Visitors annually, one educator and one practitioner, for their outstanding contributions to the PAB’s mission of ensuring the high quality of planning education for future urban planners.

Click here to learn more and view previous award recipients.

Bruce Stiftel, Ph.D., FAICP

Professor Emeritus
Georgia Institute of Technology

Lee M. Brown, FAICP

Teska Associates, Inc.

Training Resources for Site Visitors

PAB has curated a library of training resources to set up Site Visitors for success. Training includes Accreditation Purpose and Process, Accreditation Standards, and Outcomes Assessment.  Site Visitors are required to complete all online training modules and in-person training sessions to be eligible to serve on a Site Visit Team. While the videos may be geared towards Site Visitors, we encourage programs to review them.

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